Disease detection through Smell and Tongue

Written By Sepatu on Kamis, 21 Juli 2011 | 03.59

The body often gives visual clues to tell the health condition. Changes in sense of smell, the color of the tongue, until the size of the breast are some visual clues that can signal the presence of health problems.

Studies carried out a number of scientists in California revealed that the inability to smell certain odors identified, such as banana or a lemon scent, it could be early signs of Parkinson's disease.

When that happens, immediately do the examination and improve nutritional intake as early prevention. "You can help reduce the risk by eating lots of oily fish such as mackerel or salmon, can also take supplements," said Dr. John Hamilton, a nutritionist, was quoted as saying by The Sun.

Canadian study reveals, bra cup size change very drastically be indicative of health problems, like diabetes. The study lasted for 10 years was also revealed that women age 20 years with a bra size D or larger, have a 1.5 times greater risk of suffering from type-2 diabetes.

Obesity expert Dr. Michael Farley said, "It could be that women with a bra size D is more likely to be overweight, so try to keep the ideal weight to reduce risk."

Much more common is to detect health problems passing the color of the tongue. For example, the color white tongue, like there is a thick white coating on the tongue, this can be a clue canker sores or infections. However, it became a debate over a number of therapists in traditional Chinese medicine.

Some say a white coating on the tongue is normal. Others said the white coating on the tongue indicate problems or digestive system of iron deficiency. "If the tongue coating deficiencies, it means that the stomach enzyme is not functioning," experts said the Chinese herbal medicine, Giovanni Masiocia.

While the ear is also a frown or wrinkle can be early clues of cardiovascular problems later in life. According to scientists at the University of Chicago, a crease in one lobe increases the risk by 33 percent and the folds on both lobes increases the risk 77 percent.

Now, try to notice unusual changes in your body. Recognizing the strangeness that occurs in the body, could help to early prevention of various health problems.

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