Myths About Cancer Deodorant Triggers

Written By Sepatu on Kamis, 21 Juli 2011 | 03.12

The content of chemicals in beauty products are often sparked debate in the community. Information about the bad effects to the health of wild often develop into a misleading myth.

As quoted from the pages of Shine, the myth that sort of thing that triggers many women stopped leaving the antiperspirant and deodorant containing switch to a more gentle deodorant. They stuck the information called antiperspirants can trigger breast cancer.

Here are five myths about antiperspirants deodorants containing circulating in the community:

1. Deodorants containing antiperspirants increase the risk of breast cancer.

2. Using deodorant right after shaving the lead to chemical substances contained in it easily penetrates the skin cells. This increases the risk of breast cancer.

3. Substance parabens in it can lead to disease.

4. Antiperspirant prevents sweat from the skin out, so that sweat contains toxins out through other channels such as the lymph nodes. Toxins will also accumulate in breast tissue.

5. Males have a lower risk of breast cancer than women. This is because the hair in the underarm deodorant hindered him and does not directly absorbed by the skin.

Responding to the growing myth of the Wild, The American Cancer Society says that all the information is not correct. Until now, no studies have shown that deodorants could trigger breast cancer.

The fact the study in 2003 on 813 women with breast cancer and 793 women without breast cancer showed no association between breast cancer and deodorant use.

So, you no longer need to worry about using a deodorant containing antiperspirants. You also can still appear confident and beautiful, and healthy by using your favorite deodorant products.

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Myths About Cancer Deodorant Triggers

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