Prevent Cholesterol and Saturated Fat

Written By Sepatu on Kamis, 21 Juli 2011 | 03.06

In addition to cheap, source of vegetable protein does not contain cholesterol and saturated fat as a source of animal protein. Vegetable protein also contain a variety of complex carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that help reduce the risk of various diseases.

The resulting caloric value of vegetable protein sources also tend to be the same as the source of animal protein. Here are some sources of vegetable protein that can replace animal protein sources, as quoted from the pages of the Daily Mail:

1. Avocado
Unlike fruit in general, avocados contain proteins, carbohydrates, and omega 6 that may help reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the body. Avocados contain 2 percent complete protein. This fruit also contains fiber that is very good for digestion. Proteins from 15 avocado proteins equivalent to one piece of chicken.

2. Bean
With the character of low-fat and high in protein, beans become one intake for both diets. Beans can be an alternative to meat that is cheaper. Beans has 23 percent
protein, but not complete. So, combine it with other nuts, rice, and some sesame seeds.

3. Miso soup
Miso soup is a traditional Japanese food made from fermented soybeans. Soybeans contain isoflavones that can help lower cholesterol and prevent hypertension. Soybeans also contain 12 percent complete protein.

Miso containing the same probiotics found in yogurt so that you can prevent bloating, and improve digestive function. Proteins from the three bowls of miso with a protein from one piece of chicken.

4. Peanut butter
Peanut butter contains 28 percent protein and unsaturated fats may protect the cardiovascular pengakit. Peanuts also contain resveratrol, the same antioxidants in red wine that may protect heart health. However, the peanut is not a complete protein.

5. Coconut
Coconut is a complete protein rich in fiber. However, caution in the fat contained in meat as including saturated fat. Mix in milk or minced meat and rice, or make a Thai curry with peas and rice. Nine servings of protein is equal to one piece of chicken.

6. Brown rice
Red rice rich in minerals and fiber are good for lowering glykemik index. These foods contain incomplete protein 2.5 percent. So mix them with other sources of incomplete proteins to make amino acids.

7. Ubi
Sweet potatoes are low in calories, but rich in antioxidants such as betanin containing anti-inflammatory properties and improve liver function. Ubi has 3 percent complete protein that can complement other proteins. Six small pieces of sweet potato with a piece of chicken.

8. Wheat
Mememiliki only complete protein wheat at below 3 percent. Oats are also rich betaglucan that are proven to reduce cholesterol levels. Oats are also rich in manganese and a good source of selenium, and antioxidants. Wheat also contains an index glykemik low that makes you full longer. Eleven servings of grain is equivalent to one piece of chicken.

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