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Disease detection through Smell and Tongue

Written By Sepatu on Kamis, 21 Juli 2011 | 03.59

The body often gives visual clues to tell the health condition. Changes in sense of smell, the color of the tongue, until the size of the breast are some visual clues that can signal the presence of health problems.

Studies carried out a number of scientists in California revealed that the inability to smell certain odors identified, such as banana or a lemon scent, it could be early signs of Parkinson's disease.

When that happens, immediately do the examination and improve nutritional intake as early prevention. "You can help reduce the risk by eating lots of oily fish such as mackerel or salmon, can also take supplements," said Dr. John Hamilton, a nutritionist, was quoted as saying by The Sun.

Canadian study reveals, bra cup size change very drastically be indicative of health problems, like diabetes. The study lasted for 10 years was also revealed that women age 20 years with a bra size D or larger, have a 1.5 times greater risk of suffering from type-2 diabetes.

Obesity expert Dr. Michael Farley said, "It could be that women with a bra size D is more likely to be overweight, so try to keep the ideal weight to reduce risk."

Much more common is to detect health problems passing the color of the tongue. For example, the color white tongue, like there is a thick white coating on the tongue, this can be a clue canker sores or infections. However, it became a debate over a number of therapists in traditional Chinese medicine.

Some say a white coating on the tongue is normal. Others said the white coating on the tongue indicate problems or digestive system of iron deficiency. "If the tongue coating deficiencies, it means that the stomach enzyme is not functioning," experts said the Chinese herbal medicine, Giovanni Masiocia.

While the ear is also a frown or wrinkle can be early clues of cardiovascular problems later in life. According to scientists at the University of Chicago, a crease in one lobe increases the risk by 33 percent and the folds on both lobes increases the risk 77 percent.

Now, try to notice unusual changes in your body. Recognizing the strangeness that occurs in the body, could help to early prevention of various health problems.
03.59 | 0 komentar | Read More

bacteria trigger a blockage of blood vessels

Use dental floss to clean not just powerful leftovers that did not reach toothbrush, but also a long-term health investments. In fact, acts to prevent the risk of stroke and heart disease.

As quoted by the Daily Mail, dental floss helps remove bacteria that trigger the growth of plaque and tartar on the teeth. Dental hygiene is important for preventing gum infection.

Infection or inflammation of the gums generally cause damage to tissue and bone supporting the teeth. In addition to making gear easy to date, the damage to the gum tissue play a role fueling the spread of bacteria that can clog blood vessels. This then increases the risk of stroke and heart disease.

A number of studies revealing the relationship between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease, showed accumulation of microorganisms of gingivitis in the arteries of patients with cardiac disorders. Piles of microorganisms which then triggers a blockage and damage the arterial walls.

Dr. Sharlin Ahmed from the Stroke Association said, "Bacteria in the mouth contribute to cause constriction of blood vessel walls, which can lead to stroke. Bacteria in the mouth can also store fat in the arteries, which can cause blood clots and can lead to stroke."

Hiroshima University study also revealed that those who have less than 24 the number of teeth as adults, 60 percent more likely to suffer a stroke. "Loss of teeth may be associated with ischemic stroke and bleeding," said Dr. Mitsuyoshi Yoshida, who led the study.

Study involving 358 patients found that the stroke patients in their 50s and 60s have a number of teeth that have been dated more than patients of other diseases in the same age group.

The results of analysis of four separate studies show that people who only have 24 teeth heightened risk of stroke by 57 percent, compared to those with 25 or more teeth. This analysis takes into account various risk factors for stroke triggers, such as smoking, obesity, and alcohol use.

Thoroughly dental hygiene is important to prevent the risk of stroke and other diseases related to blood vessel blockage. So, do not forget to brush your teeth and flossing regularly for long-term health!
03.57 | 0 komentar | Read More

Source of Bacteria in Public Places

Clean environment is the capital for health. However, if it is in a public place, no one can guarantee the environment around you free of germs and bacteria.

All you need to know, the spread of germs or bacteria do not only occur in dirty places. In a place that looks clean can be a source of bacteria. Unwittingly, germs or bacteria from other people who stick in public places can move into your body, as quoted from pages Shine.

For example, the elevator or the elevator. Apparently, every time I pressed the elevator button, you can share the bacteria with people who have or who will push the button.

Want to know the dirtiest place in public places? Here are some sources of the bacteria around you:

1. Handrails, for example on the steps of crossing or in the office

2. Elevator button

3. Shopping cart handles

4. Restaurant menus

5. The money from the cash register

6. Light switch

7. Container of salt or pepper at a restaurant

8. Cash machine

9. Sports equipment at the gym

10 payphones

Quite a lot, right? But, do not panic, prevent transmission of germs and bacteria with a few simple things below:

- Wash hands
Try to always wash hands before eating, cooking or wearing contact lenses. Also, wash your hands after cooking, after using the toilet, after feeding pets, and after sneezing or coughing.

- Keep hands from his face
No matter how many times you wash your hands, if you are in public places, germs can still stick in your hand. Be careful, can quickly germs enter the body if you carelessly touching the face, eyes, lips or nose.

- Avoid foods that are taken by hand
Although many people claim to have regular hand washing, but not all of them wash their hands properly. So, avoid taking foods that are available to the public are taken by hand.
03.54 | 0 komentar | Read More

Food Triggers Stomach Disorders

Frequent belching, abdominal bloating and discomfort after eating is the main characteristic of indigestion that is often experienced by people with sensitive stomachs. American College of Gastroenterology call, over 95 million Americans suffer from bad digestion system.

Improper food processing is a common trigger indigestion. Cooking food with too high a temperature for example, can destroy the natural enzymes in raw foods. The loss of digestive enzymes that help process this can lead to premature aging.

Dr. Steven Lamm from NYU Medical Center said, those who suffer from a sensitive stomach like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), heartburn, acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease known as prone to react to certain foods and drinks.

As quoted from page Aol, following a number of foods that can aggravate sensitive stomach condition:

"Tomatoes can cause irritation of the esophagus, causing symptoms of acid reflux, heartburn or make heartburn worse," said Isenberg. Sour taste on the red colored fruit can stimulate the production of extra acid in the digestion in the stomach.

As a result, acid can back up the esophagus, exacerbating the sensitive esophagus, can even damage the lining of the esophagus. Tomatoes are packed in sauce or paste form can also have the same effect for those who have a sensitive stomach problems.

Behind its benefits, peppermint can cause an increase in heartburn symptoms. This effect arises from all foods containing mint, like peppermint tea, and even chewing gum and peppermint candies nasal congestion relief.

Dr. Gerald Ashton Isenberg, an expert in gastroenterology at UH Case Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio, said, "Mint increases the likelihood of acid reflux because it relaxes the muscles located at the end of the esophagus, thus making the acid from the stomach back into the food pipe."

The content of oligosaccharides can result in intestinal gas. Oligosaccharide is a type of complex sugar molecules that consist of large to small intestine. In addition, the body can not break down these complex sugars because they do not have the enzymes to do so.

Acid in coffee can irritate the stomach lining, which can cause excessive production of hydrochloric acid. This trigger indigestion and reflux, especially for those prone to heartburn.

Dietitian Katherine Brooking said that broccoli is a vegetable that produces gas. For those who have disorders of the colon, broccoli can cause stomach upset. Soluble fiber foods, which are not damaged until it reaches the large intestine, also contain raffinose, a complex sugar that produce gases such as in nuts.

Dairy Products
"Humans are the only species who continue to drink milk after weaning, and many people lose the ability to digest lactose (milk sugar) as they grow into adulthood," said Teitelbaum, Medical Director of the Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Centers.

Lactose intolerance is caused by a deficiency of the enzyme lactase, produced by cells lining the small intestine. As a result the body can not digest food properly and make a lot of gas.

Fatty foods
Foods high in fat, including fried foods, can improve the symptoms of stomach acid, says Brooking. Fatty foods take longer to dissolve in the body, so it stuck in the stomach for a long time.

As a result, the body automatically produces extra stomach acid to aid digestion. Please be aware that eating too much will also cause delays in digestion and stimulates the stomach to release more acid.

Cold drinks
Digestion depends entirely on gastric acid and digestive enzymes. Highly recommended mengasup hot drinks, like tea or hot water with lemon, after a meal or a cold drink. "Drink ice cold can turn off the digestive enzymes, and cause indigestion."

Chocolate has proven health benefits, including reducing the risk of stroke and heart disease. But you also need to be vigilant because the chocolate can cause indigestion and heartburn. Chocolate contains caffeine, other agents that encourage the stomach to produce excess acid.

"Chocolate contains concentrations of theobromine, a compound that occurs naturally in many plants such as cocoa, tea and coffee plants," said Lamm. "And these compounds have the ability to relax the esophageal sphincter muscle, letting stomach acid up into the esophagus."
03.41 | 0 komentar | Read More

Myths About Cancer Deodorant Triggers

The content of chemicals in beauty products are often sparked debate in the community. Information about the bad effects to the health of wild often develop into a misleading myth.

As quoted from the pages of Shine, the myth that sort of thing that triggers many women stopped leaving the antiperspirant and deodorant containing switch to a more gentle deodorant. They stuck the information called antiperspirants can trigger breast cancer.

Here are five myths about antiperspirants deodorants containing circulating in the community:

1. Deodorants containing antiperspirants increase the risk of breast cancer.

2. Using deodorant right after shaving the lead to chemical substances contained in it easily penetrates the skin cells. This increases the risk of breast cancer.

3. Substance parabens in it can lead to disease.

4. Antiperspirant prevents sweat from the skin out, so that sweat contains toxins out through other channels such as the lymph nodes. Toxins will also accumulate in breast tissue.

5. Males have a lower risk of breast cancer than women. This is because the hair in the underarm deodorant hindered him and does not directly absorbed by the skin.

Responding to the growing myth of the Wild, The American Cancer Society says that all the information is not correct. Until now, no studies have shown that deodorants could trigger breast cancer.

The fact the study in 2003 on 813 women with breast cancer and 793 women without breast cancer showed no association between breast cancer and deodorant use.

So, you no longer need to worry about using a deodorant containing antiperspirants. You also can still appear confident and beautiful, and healthy by using your favorite deodorant products.
03.12 | 0 komentar | Read More

Prevent Cholesterol and Saturated Fat

In addition to cheap, source of vegetable protein does not contain cholesterol and saturated fat as a source of animal protein. Vegetable protein also contain a variety of complex carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that help reduce the risk of various diseases.

The resulting caloric value of vegetable protein sources also tend to be the same as the source of animal protein. Here are some sources of vegetable protein that can replace animal protein sources, as quoted from the pages of the Daily Mail:

1. Avocado
Unlike fruit in general, avocados contain proteins, carbohydrates, and omega 6 that may help reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the body. Avocados contain 2 percent complete protein. This fruit also contains fiber that is very good for digestion. Proteins from 15 avocado proteins equivalent to one piece of chicken.

2. Bean
With the character of low-fat and high in protein, beans become one intake for both diets. Beans can be an alternative to meat that is cheaper. Beans has 23 percent
protein, but not complete. So, combine it with other nuts, rice, and some sesame seeds.

3. Miso soup
Miso soup is a traditional Japanese food made from fermented soybeans. Soybeans contain isoflavones that can help lower cholesterol and prevent hypertension. Soybeans also contain 12 percent complete protein.

Miso containing the same probiotics found in yogurt so that you can prevent bloating, and improve digestive function. Proteins from the three bowls of miso with a protein from one piece of chicken.

4. Peanut butter
Peanut butter contains 28 percent protein and unsaturated fats may protect the cardiovascular pengakit. Peanuts also contain resveratrol, the same antioxidants in red wine that may protect heart health. However, the peanut is not a complete protein.

5. Coconut
Coconut is a complete protein rich in fiber. However, caution in the fat contained in meat as including saturated fat. Mix in milk or minced meat and rice, or make a Thai curry with peas and rice. Nine servings of protein is equal to one piece of chicken.

6. Brown rice
Red rice rich in minerals and fiber are good for lowering glykemik index. These foods contain incomplete protein 2.5 percent. So mix them with other sources of incomplete proteins to make amino acids.

7. Ubi
Sweet potatoes are low in calories, but rich in antioxidants such as betanin containing anti-inflammatory properties and improve liver function. Ubi has 3 percent complete protein that can complement other proteins. Six small pieces of sweet potato with a piece of chicken.

8. Wheat
Mememiliki only complete protein wheat at below 3 percent. Oats are also rich betaglucan that are proven to reduce cholesterol levels. Oats are also rich in manganese and a good source of selenium, and antioxidants. Wheat also contains an index glykemik low that makes you full longer. Eleven servings of grain is equivalent to one piece of chicken.
03.06 | 0 komentar | Read More
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